Tony Bones AEE report #5 @aeExpo @WeSuperHotFilms @dannyblaqvideos

Please allow the file to load before it plays.  Depending on your internet speed, times may vary.    This file should also work with your iphone,  HTML 5 , ipod touch,   ipad and mobile phone as well. This plugin is in beta so I am hoping it works. In this video I interview the super hot (more…)

Super Hot Films Announces Star Appearances at AVN Adult Entertainment @aeExpo

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – December 28, 2010- SuperHotFilms ( for their second exhibitor appearance at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo (AEE), has announced an all-star diverse line up of adult talent appearances. SuperHotFilms is produced by adult industry actors, Danny Blaq and Don Whoe to use as a portal site showcasing their production websites (more…)