(November 24, 2014, Pahrump, Nevada)Upscale legal brothel Sheri’s Ranch has just upped the ante for Best Las Vegas Trip Ever with Sheri’s Ultimate Adult Sex Vacation packages, customized specifically for men, women, and couples seeking erotic adventure in the Sin City area.

The sex resort’s multi-tiered packages will include complimentary luxury car service, a room at the hotel, dinner and champagne with courtesan(s) of the client’s choice, and a voucher towards a negotiated sex party with a Sheri’s lady.
“These packages were created in response to the increasing number of single men and couples who book multi-day holidays at the brothel,” said Dena, the madam of Sheri’s Ranch. “I started working with the Sheri’s Ranch team over eight years ago; since then, we’ve seen a significant spike in the number of sex tourists who visit here on extended stays. In the last three years we’ve seen a nearly 10% increase in couples visiting our establishment.”
Dena attributes this spike to Sheri’s unique offerings. “We’re the only legal brothel with a full-service hotel, so I think the word has gotten out that sex tourists can now take their time, relax and stay overnight, swim in our pool, dine at our restaurant, and have a tremendous amount of naughty fun with our ladies without ever leaving our 20 acre property.”
“There’s just so much sexual variety offered at Sheri’s, from our themed VIP Bungalows, Bubble Bath and Hot Tub Party Rooms, BDSM Dungeon, to our newly renovated suite of fantasy role play rooms and nuru massage parlor,” said Dena. “It really doesn’t matter what your sexual proclivities are, be it threesomes or fetishes or whatever, our ladies can accommodate your every desire.”
Sheri’s Ranch is also the only travel destination in the United States that offers a legal, safe, and STD-free sex-fueled retreat for gentlemen and couples who previously could only venture out of the country to shady bordellos in the Caribbean or Southeast Asia, rife with sex trafficking and diseases, for extended adult getaways.
“Sexually adventurous Americans no longer have to leave the country to enjoy a pay-for-play erotic vacation,” said owner Chuck Lee, a respected former law enforcement official who took over the resort and remodeled it into a fantasy playground for men, women and couples looking for the ultimate thrill. “Our friends from across the globe can easily plan their next visit to Sheri’s.”
The customized packages can be viewed on the Sheri’s Sex Vacation web page HERE:

Sheri’s Ranch sits on 20 acres of beautifully-maintained, private property, boasting a swimming pool, Jacuzzi, tennis courts, a sports bar/restaurant, six fantasy rooms, VIP bungalows and Sheri’s BDSM dungeon, while guests stay in the resort’s seven standard rooms and three themed suites that offer cozy fireplaces and romantic couples’ bath.

 Sheri’s Ranch is located at 10551 Homestead Road, Pahrump, NV 89061. For more information about the party, please visit the website.

Sheri’s Ranch is legal brothel, resort and spa located in Pahrump, Nevada, sixty miles west of Las Vegas. The Ranch was purchased by former Chicago homicide detective Chuck Lee in 2001 and was recently remodeled into a fantasyland of suites and bungalows with themes such as Lustful Locker Room, Naughty Classroom and Geisha Girl Bedroom, based on customers’ most popular requests.  With 20 acres of beautifully cultivated land, complete with a pool, Jacuzzi, and tennis courts, Sheri’s Ranch is a place where visitors can discover unequalled peace and relaxation.  Lee has taken great care in maintaining a resort playground with the clients’ safety and privacy in mind.
MEDIA CONTACT:  BSG PR / 818.340.4422 / brian@bsgpr.com  / @bsgpr

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